Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lattice Method for Mulitpilication

           One of our video's this week for my Math Methods class was a tutorial YouTube video on the Lattice Method. The video I have included is similar but a little bit shorter and a better understanding of how it works. (Especially for carrying the numbers)
lattice multiplication box 
Each box that is divided holds a tens spot and a ones spot. If there is a larger number that is when you would carry the hundred to the next diagonal as the video shows. 

You must always fill the tens and ones box even if the number is less than ten. If the number is less than ten you would put a zero in the tens spot and the number in the ones spot.  Once you've filled in all the multiplication to the table its time to add the diagonal lines up. The answer is read from the top left down and to the right. 

I found a really kid friendly, bright and fun website that explains the lattice method in simple terms and from the very core. I think this might be a great website to pull up on the projector during this lesson to assist me. Let me know what you think about this websites take on the lattice method. 
           Before this semester in college I had never seen or heard of the lattice method. The lattice method is an alternative way to do long multiplication. With a grid like system and diagonals you are able to find the answer to a multiplication problem. It's actually pretty cool that this system works for all numbers to be multiplied together. I think that it is another way for students to check their work if they are unsure with their standard algorithm multiplication answer.

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